My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Thursday, September 16, 2010

2 weeks ugg!

It was my goal, and as hard as I tried to stay healthy enough I still went back to the hospital. The first couple of days I was furious at myself for not being strong enough to achieve my goal. I now realize that all illnesses have relaps including mine. It's ok that I had to go to the hospital. In a way it was a a way! I am now on different meds. that hopefully will help me with time. If not I guess I'll have to go to a real phyco Dr. again to have him do his magic. I really like the Dr. I had in the hospital though I doubt that I can afford him.

Part of my continued therapy that I'm to do now that I'm out of the hospital is to get a small animal for theraputic reasons. I can totally see how this would be benifital to me. I would never be alone and I'd have someone there to love me no matter what. Plus I would be needed. Which I dont feel like thats the case right now. The only problem is that my landlord is alergic to cats and dogs. So now I have to move to be able to get that therapy/puppy I so desire. A huge problem with that is I dont have the money to pay for a deposit, a months rent, and all the stuff for a new dog. Bummer! I'm sad. What to do?!!

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