My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


well staying in the hospital for a couple weeks sure does make a girl grateful for the little things. like forks for instance do you know how hard it is to eat a salad with a fork. and i was having a salad was one of the options you could pick everyday. i think they doing it a purpose testing us. seeing how well we can handle the frustration on eating a salad with a soup spoon. i know for me i was just ready to chop that darn thing to mush then just suck it up. bet they'd get a kick out of that.
I'm also really grateful for pens. you know that write so much more fluently then those stupid little baby pencils that they give us. guess what it don't matter how long the pencil is its still poky and can do whatever damage you want it too.
the TV and all those great DVDs just sitting there mocking us with our boredom. sudoku can keep you entertained. over a grand a day they should at least give messages. now that would make me feel good real fast. but now it's all a conspiracy to make the bored pay for it. don't get me started on their flimsy tooth brushes i could brush my tongue.

anyways I'm glad to be home and safe and hope to never experience that again. 7's the charm right.

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