My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Building Your Foundation

So the last couple of weeks me and one of my roommates who used to be LDS but is lets say in her rebel stage is working on our young women personal progress. I thought it would be a great to help not only learn for myself but also hopefully help remind her and the small seed that she has in her heart.
Anyways one of the items that I've had to do was read different scriptures and tell something or journal what you had learned. We also have to read general conference talks as well but thats sticks too. :) To get to the point already today I read a talk given by Neil A Anderson in the April 2010 session. And can I tell you that I love this talk. Crying comes easy to me now, but i actually like these kinds of tears. Anyways it was talking about a young man whos father had passed away and talked about how his father would always remember your redeemer for he is your foundation. (thats not quoting thats from me trying to remember, and we all know how well that is for me.) Well there was a foot note which i read. It's in Helaman 5:12. It's amazing it just really hit me today that if we put our trust in the Lord completely that NOTHING satan throws and us can destroy us if we have the foundation.It's an amazing talk and stick which its my goal now to memorize. I just wanted to share with those few who actually look at my silly post. That I have a testimony of Christ and that if I can truly humble myself and use him more often I will be saved. (I totally feel like I need to say in the name of Jesus Christ Amen) But it's true. love ya!