My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Monday, February 7, 2011

Change is good right?!

A lot of changes are happening right now.... well still happening right now. One as I mentioned on Facebook today I am starting school. I'm going back to be my AAS in health administration. CRAZY!!! I think my stress level just raised 10 fold. I while be going slower so that at least i hopefully don't get too overwhelmed.

Another change that is huge for me is I will be moving... yes the big news that i think all my followers know is I'm moving to Oregon. Why you might say? I say why not? I know that me staying here in Utah is just me going in circles all negative. So I'm branching out baby. How? I don't know? But I know its the right thing for me to do so hopefully something will come up soon.

I'm in contact with the Branch President and Relief Society so they are going to be looking out for me and hopefully will all the stuff I'm saleing (which is like almost everything I own) and some kind donations I will be able to make it there are survive on my own. I think it will do wonders for me if I can really do it. So here's praying!!

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