My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How do you make lemon aid when life gives you lemons if you have no water??

What logic is that. when life gives you lemons make lemonaid. Your missing a very valuable resource that no matter how much you squeeze those lemon they will still be sour. In life you need to make your own suger and water so that when those lemons come(and let me tell you i feel baried in them right now). Life definitally hasn't been a fairtale for me. I'm going a different path then what I always planned. It's hard and challanging but I've finally accepted it, at least just a little bit anyways. A lot of changes are going to be made in my life. People who have known me most their lives will one day not even be able to recognize the new person I've become. I'm learning whats MY sugar and water. Not anyone elses!!!

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