My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Friday, June 4, 2010


The Drama in my life is driving me bonkers. I have been physically sick for a month now. Instead of things calming down with time they seem to increase in the intensity. I showed my therapist Kim my divorce papers asking her if I did everything right. She made a few corrections but her biggest concern was that I was not protecting myself. Daniel was getting the business and taking no responsibility for the hospital debt that should be shared. She also mentioned that I needed to ask for alimony. This scared me. I knew that if I asked for those things Daniel would freak out.
Well I chose to speak to Daniel about it before I made my decision on what to do. I don't know if that was a good idea or not. I was correct though, he FREEAAAKKKKED OUTTTT!!!!!! I have to tell you that I was shocked by his intense anger. He scared me! He said and I quote " I will F***ing put a bullet in my head if you screw me over financially as well!!" I told him that I wanted to be reasonable. I didn't want to screw him over that's why I was coming to him to discuss it. No matter what I said he didn't seem to hear me, he wouldn't calm down. He claimed that I had taken everything from him. His kids(true, if he had married someone else he probably wouldn't have had to make the choice to give up his kids), his wife(technically I physically left him, but he left our marriage long before I'd finally had enough), and now his finances.
I am so frustrated and frankly scared out of my mind. I feel like he is manipulating me, but at the same time I know Daniel and he is very impulsive. His impulsiveness has gotten him trouble more than once. I don't know what to think and I most certainly don't know what to do. I am going to the temple tomorrow and hopefully that will help. Sunday I will be fasting. Monday I'm going to an attorney for free advice. Tuesday I have another appointment with Kim hopefully by then I will be able to get enough information to make and educated decision and then go to the Lord. I hope I have the strength to make it through this massive mountain.

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