My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"I will triumph!"- Meg Ryan on movie French Kiss

After feeling the up and down emotions of leaving Daniel,his declared change, and then failing to do so. I have now done it. This morning I went to the court office and filed our divorce papers. I have signed my part and have sent the papers via snail mail to Daniel. I didn't think that I would feel this empowered, but I do. It is a rare occasion for me. I have to admit I like it. Hopefully the divorce will go threw quickly and I will no longer be stuck under Daniel's controlling thumb.

Don't get me wrong I love Daniel with all my heart and wish that things were different. I know now that for me to continue to move forward in my plan for happiness I have to take this step. It scares the dickens out of me! I have no job lined up in a couple weeks and then how will I survive?! I'm running on faith and hope that the Lord will watch over me and lead me to my next destination. Hopefully like Meg Ryan I will triumph in this trial. I will find my happy ending!

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