My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is There Hope For The Future?

Right now life is crazy. I've moved out of my apartment that I lived in with Daniel for almost 2 years. After 7 years of marriage I am now living with 2 other girls; Andrea and April. The split up has been awful for me. I hate being alone, but unfortunately that is what I thought had to do to get Daniel to listen. I thought it would work. That it would open his eyes and that hopefully there could still be a future together with Daniel.
I have now been slapped in the face again! The reality that my dreams have been dashed is harsh! I feel incredibly lonely! Most of the time I can not bare to think of it. I never thought this is where I would end up. It has been one thing after another. First having to choose to give my children a better life. My sweet boys! I miss them deeply! I miss their hugs and smiling faces! I miss the I love you's! Watching them play in the bath and reading to them every night before bed. Their squeals of delight and I even miss their tantrums.(I know it seems crazy but it's true!!)I still haven't recovered from that huge loss and it has been over 2 years since I have heard them laugh. Now I'm losing/lost another. Does this one hurt more deeply...its hard to say. It is so fresh. In some ways it hurts more in others not so much. The connection you have with your children as a mother is indescribable. I will always adore Caden and Hyrum no matter what they do or don't do. Daniel has chosen his path and I chose another. I will always love Daniel and thankfully he will always be a friend. I hope that he may find true happiness. I hope he does not give up on himself.
Here I am with all those dear to me gone. What am I to do? How am I to cope? I often find myself lost in these questions. I have come to realize most people will never except and love me like I ache for them to do. I have an illness yes. So what! My illness does not define who I am. It is something I have to live with, but I am better than the world perceives me to be. My challenges are real. I fight for who I am and what I want to be everyday, with every breath of my life. I plan to continue to do just that. I have been greatly humbled by all of this. I know the only reason that I am still alive is because the Lord. He has been my strength. I pray that He will continue to stay by my side. I need Him now more than ever.

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