My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My evening splrug with Bob!

Bob happened to feel ok after all his therapy treatments last night so I actually got to get out of this apt. Yeah. Well actually the night before I went by myself to Coyota Ugly Saloon took a few pictures and danced on the counter. Hehe! It was fun. But anyways, back to last night Bob to me to outback steak house... mmm yummy. the one thing that they shouldn't have done is given me that yummy bread first I was full after a few bits of my salad. dont worry though i couldn't resist that steak. Oh my gosh was it yummy. Bob wasn't all that happy about it said that if they had cooked it right I should have been able to slice it with my butter knife.I don't know dont have that much experience with it but it sure was yummy to the taste buds.

Afterwards I made Bob go to the Victoria Secret shop so that I could buy myself a decent bra. he's the only man I think i would feel comfortable going with (that I know right now) daniel always ran away from them places. Anyways, I found out I was whereing the wrong size all this time and thats why I've had so much problems with my sleeves falling down and annoying the heck out of me. Anyways I went from a size A to a whooppping size C. Wow! I have to tell you. It did make me feel a little bit better about myself. So I treated myself to two bras for the price of one. Boooya! It was a good night.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

a bit of crazy

Well this week just keeps getting better. Poor gpa Bob spoiled the birthday party by being picked up by the ambulance. I missed it all cuz I was at church. Spent that night on the couch trying to not think about his girgling breathing and just be grateful that he was breathing. trying to catch a wink in between all the times he was in need of something.

I now have gone to the dentist for the first time in I don't know probably 18 years.(what do you think mom, does that sound right?) I admit I was a little nervous but mostly because I knew they I was going to be hurting even worse when I left because they were just going to poke around when i was already miserable.

Turns out I have a nasty cavity that needs to be filled and also my wisdom tooth is infected and needs to be pulled. Two more days of having my right wisdom tooth and then it's see ya later sucker. Hopefully all goes smoothly cuz two days later I'm flying to Denver so gpa bob can get his legs worked on.

Lifes just funny it-nit!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Building Your Foundation

So the last couple of weeks me and one of my roommates who used to be LDS but is lets say in her rebel stage is working on our young women personal progress. I thought it would be a great to help not only learn for myself but also hopefully help remind her and the small seed that she has in her heart.
Anyways one of the items that I've had to do was read different scriptures and tell something or journal what you had learned. We also have to read general conference talks as well but thats sticks too. :) To get to the point already today I read a talk given by Neil A Anderson in the April 2010 session. And can I tell you that I love this talk. Crying comes easy to me now, but i actually like these kinds of tears. Anyways it was talking about a young man whos father had passed away and talked about how his father would always remember your redeemer for he is your foundation. (thats not quoting thats from me trying to remember, and we all know how well that is for me.) Well there was a foot note which i read. It's in Helaman 5:12. It's amazing it just really hit me today that if we put our trust in the Lord completely that NOTHING satan throws and us can destroy us if we have the foundation.It's an amazing talk and stick which its my goal now to memorize. I just wanted to share with those few who actually look at my silly post. That I have a testimony of Christ and that if I can truly humble myself and use him more often I will be saved. (I totally feel like I need to say in the name of Jesus Christ Amen) But it's true. love ya!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Salem, Oregon

Salem Oregon my friends. Now I'm not unrealistic here so I do realize this is just one beautiful spot in Oregon, but it would be fun to hike up to that waterfall. What do you think? There are still at lot of things that has to be done before I am ready. So far my my yard sale has been a bust. Not one person has even come. I'll have to start brain storming since I haven't sold anything. Anyone got any ideas I'd love to hear them.

I am going to Salem! Just how and when is the real question. We will see what is in store.

My poor 'lucky' prius

Well the tree or should i say very large couple of branches are cleared away from my car. My Car gratefully has little damage that i can see. The only thing that i notice that kind of concerns me is the Antonia was ripped off. No radio for 14 hr. drive might be something interesting. All in all I have much to be grateful for not only did the branch not hit the electric wires(which angels must have helped with that) my car looks almost normal. Its a great lesson in life you know. We as humans (me) see this as something that may ruin everything, but the Lord knew that branch would fall. There where angels there making sure our little home and my little car was safe. Such a little thing. But pretty freaking awesome!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Change is good right?!

A lot of changes are happening right now.... well still happening right now. One as I mentioned on Facebook today I am starting school. I'm going back to be my AAS in health administration. CRAZY!!! I think my stress level just raised 10 fold. I while be going slower so that at least i hopefully don't get too overwhelmed.

Another change that is huge for me is I will be moving... yes the big news that i think all my followers know is I'm moving to Oregon. Why you might say? I say why not? I know that me staying here in Utah is just me going in circles all negative. So I'm branching out baby. How? I don't know? But I know its the right thing for me to do so hopefully something will come up soon.

I'm in contact with the Branch President and Relief Society so they are going to be looking out for me and hopefully will all the stuff I'm saleing (which is like almost everything I own) and some kind donations I will be able to make it there are survive on my own. I think it will do wonders for me if I can really do it. So here's praying!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How do you make lemon aid when life gives you lemons if you have no water??

What logic is that. when life gives you lemons make lemonaid. Your missing a very valuable resource that no matter how much you squeeze those lemon they will still be sour. In life you need to make your own suger and water so that when those lemons come(and let me tell you i feel baried in them right now). Life definitally hasn't been a fairtale for me. I'm going a different path then what I always planned. It's hard and challanging but I've finally accepted it, at least just a little bit anyways. A lot of changes are going to be made in my life. People who have known me most their lives will one day not even be able to recognize the new person I've become. I'm learning whats MY sugar and water. Not anyone elses!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

random pic of Corby


well staying in the hospital for a couple weeks sure does make a girl grateful for the little things. like forks for instance do you know how hard it is to eat a salad with a fork. and i was having a salad was one of the options you could pick everyday. i think they doing it a purpose testing us. seeing how well we can handle the frustration on eating a salad with a soup spoon. i know for me i was just ready to chop that darn thing to mush then just suck it up. bet they'd get a kick out of that.
I'm also really grateful for pens. you know that write so much more fluently then those stupid little baby pencils that they give us. guess what it don't matter how long the pencil is its still poky and can do whatever damage you want it too.
the TV and all those great DVDs just sitting there mocking us with our boredom. sudoku can keep you entertained. over a grand a day they should at least give messages. now that would make me feel good real fast. but now it's all a conspiracy to make the bored pay for it. don't get me started on their flimsy tooth brushes i could brush my tongue.

anyways I'm glad to be home and safe and hope to never experience that again. 7's the charm right.