My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Friday, July 2, 2010


Two big changes today for me. One Lindsey and Josh has decided to move to Vernal, Utah. Josh was able to get a normal day job instead of driving trucks all around the country. I'm grateful because now Lindsey will have that extra help in taking care of the boys. I'm also grateful because the boys will now have their dad around more often. For me.....well it's hard. They will be three and a half hours away. Most of the information I recieved about the boys was through my other family members who got to spend time with the Chambers. Now that will not be happening near as often. It makes them seem that much further away from me. I hate it actually. My heart is just breaking!

The second big change is Daniel signed the divorce papers today. The divorce is offically on it's way to being finalized. I am to contact the judge's assistant in a few weeks to see how close they have come to finishing the paper work. The gentleman who helped me said it would probably be complete in 2 months. We will see. It's all very scary. The unknown. Another thing that I hate. It's stressful! Now that Daniel signed the papers and he agreed to the very small alimony. He is still saying that he is going to kill himself. I hope he gets some help if he really is struggling so badly. I really dont know how I could cope with that. I know it would be his decision. Still that would be awful! I can't even think about it right now. It's all just too much. I'm praying for strength for all of us going through these changes!

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