My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Friday, July 9, 2010

All Things Work Together for Good

Last night my Dad told me about this fabulous talk given in the last General Conference. I was able to look it up today and wanted to share it with everyone. I actually remembered this talk from earlier.(Which tells you right there its an amazing talk for me to be able to remember it.)Anyways there are quite of few things in this talk that I really loved and wanted to write about. I love the example Elder Martino gives on love. He asks that simple question to mothers, "Would you ever do something that would cause pain and bring tears to your children when they have done nothing wrong?" My first thought I admit was no of course not, but that was me thinking very narrow mindedly. Then I realize as I continued reading that I was one of the many young mothers who had their children recieve shots to later protect them.

My experience as a mother has been much shorter than I wanted, but I know what it feels like to love your children. It is a different kind of love, so much sweeter than any I have ever known. In this example it helped me gain a small realization of what Heavenly Father must feel for us. It gave me a small understanding of why He lets us have struggles and trials. Even though right now it absolutely breaks my heart to have lost my boys, because of an illness I couldn't control. It is comforting to think that Heavenly Father is there with tears in His eyes wanted to hold me and take away the anguish and confusion.

Though right now I do NOT understand why or how this is going to help me in the future the Lord does. I have to hold on to His strength. Have faith and just hold on! I love the second to last sentence when Elder Martino says "He desires that we 'might have joy,' EVEN in our trails of life." I believe that. I've wanted so badly to believe that. There have been many who have tested me in this, saying this life is a test it's not to be enjoyable.....blah! blah! blah! Well thank goodness they were wrong! Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy! That right there.... I dont know it just lightens my load!!!

Thanks Dad for having me read this wonderful talk once again! Hope you all get as much out of it as I did! - Liahona Article - All Things Work Together for Good

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