My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Atonement

"...The second is far more rare, nevertheless infinitly more helpful and not to mention much healthier. It is relying on the Atonment of Jesus Christ, and having full trust that His aw-inspiring Atonetment truly is able to heal us; after all, he's been there before. It takes full faith in Him and His atoning Sacrifice to know that we can fully open ourselves up again, come what may; He will be there for us to heal us just as He has promised! We can still offer our tender and loving heart to others, with the knolwedge that if once again our heart is shatered in a million pieces, He will be there to help, to comfort, and to lift. This gives me great hope, and joy. I glory in my Jesus, because of Him I can love without holding back, so people will know just how amazing I too can be:)" - Sylas Witte

This was written by a buddy of mine from work. I just wanted to post it on here so that I could look at it often. I need to remember to go to my Savior now. He understands, and I need to have the faith that He can heal ALL of my hurts.

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