My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Last Day at LDSE

So sad for so many reasons!!! I have officially been kicked out of my internship. I was only allowed to be in the internship for three months and my time is up. I was hoping to have a job by now. I feel quite disappointed in myself. I'm trying not to get down on myself. I have to say that I'm very frustrated with the fact that I'm going back into the DI. I am very grateful that they are working with me and I have another month to find a job, but man I feel like I'm taking a step back instead of forward. I don't know how to convince future employers that I'm worth hiring when I am not moving forward in my job now. BLAH!!!

I love working with the missionaries over here. They get all fired up about politics and what not. Their all wise and all knowing and I love having conversations with them. Plus I feel like I'm needed here. I know I've been able to help out and take care of business. It helps me to come to work and be motivated to do an excellent job when I'm needed. I love Sister Loveless! She's my favorite! She's adorable! Most of all I will miss the spirit that is here. Everyone here is here to serve and help others and that alone brings the spirit. I just wish I didn't have to go yet. I wish that I could have found a job before my time was up. Oh well no point dwelling on something that didn't happen. Time to move forward and continue looking for that job.

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