My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!

My Adorable Boys Whom I Miss!
Caden Chambers and Hyrum Chambers

Monday, July 12, 2010

Different Perspective

Last night I got to experience another first for me... well not really but sort of. I'm sure I've seen fireworks before in my life but I dont remember, so for me going to Weber States fireworks was an adventure. It was incredible! I was like one of the kids ooohhhhh!!! and aaawwwwing!!!! Love it!

When I got home one of my roommates April was there. She asked me if I went to the fireworks as well. I of course informed her that I had. Then she went on and on for a couple of minutes on how pathetic they were. She was so incredibly disappointed. Granted she did grow up in Wyoming so I'm sure she is used to a much better show. I just sat there and let her vent. Afterwards I went to my room and just thought what a difference. We both were at the exact same fireworks and yet the experience was completely different. It reminded me that I can have the same oooohhhhhs an awwwwws in life no matter where I'm at. :)

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